
Iroquois West Parent Teacher Team By-Laws

Article 1 – Name and Objectives


Section 1.        The name of this organization is: Iroquois West Parent Teacher Team (PTT).

Section 2.        The objectives of the PTT are:

  1. To work in support and cooperation with I.W. staff, parents, and other community members to provide educational, cultural, and recreational experiences for students.
  2. We will promote family involvement in school activities and events while stressing the importance of a child’s education, as they become life-long learners.

Article 2 – Basic Policies


Section 1.

No PTT funds shall be paid to members for services rendered. Expenditures may be paid for allowable expenses (i.e. mileage or postage) if accompanied by documentation/receipts and if approved by the Executive Board.

Section 2.

The voting members of the PTT consist of all regular members who are current in the payment of annual dues (due by the September meeting).  Voting members also consist of I.W. faculty and staff.  Each member may cast an equal vote on all resolutions presented by the Executive Board.  Voting will be done at regular business meetings and members must be present to vote.

Section 3.

Money will be raised through community fundraisers, direct donations, and other means voted on at regular meetings.  Funds will then be dispersed by request of the Executive Board in such a manner as to benefit I.W. schools.  Should I.W. PTT dissolve, all assets would revert to I.W. School district.

Section 4.

All issues requiring a vote are decided upon by a majority vote.  In the event that a tie occurs, the majority vote of the Executive Board will have the deciding vote.

Section 5.

The PTT shall not seek to direct administrative activities of the school or to control its policies.

Article 3 – Duties of Officers


Section 1.        The elected officers of this organization shall be: 2 Co-Chairpersons, Secretary, Treasurer.

Section 2.        Only members shall be eligible to be nominated and serve on the Executive Board.

Section 3.        The Executive Board of the PTT will consist of the elected officers.

Section 4.        The officers shall preside over meetings of the general membership.

Section 5.        The Co-Chairpersons will develop an agenda for those meetings.

Section 6.        The Co-Chairpersons shall:

A. Preside at all meetings of the organization and the Executive Board.
B. Prepare the agenda for all regular meetings.
C. Perform such other duties as may be prescribed in these by-laws or assigned by the organization or Executive Board.
D. Coordinate the work of the officers and Committees, in order that the objectives may be promoted.
E. Represent or appoint a representative outside the group when requested (i.e. community, civil, or business events).

Section 7.        The Secretary shall:

A. record the minutes of all meetings of the organization.
B. Record the attendance of all regular and Executive Board meetings.
C. Provide the school office with minutes (within one week) for each meeting.
D. Conduct all correspondence of the organization – a copy of all written correspondence will be distributed to Executive Board.
E. Responsible for putting meeting announcements on the district calendar.

Section 8.        The Treasurer shall:

A. Keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures.
B. Present a financial statement at every meeting of the organization and at other times when requested by the Executive Board.
C. Make a yearly report at the September meeting.
D. Funds received by PTT will be deposited into the PTT treasury account.  Funds will be dispersed by the I.W. superintendants office.  Subsequent to that dispersement the I.W. PTT treasurer will reimburse the I.W. superintendants office.

Section 9.        The Faculty/Staff shall:

A. Be current I.W. staff member or teacher.
B. Report on staff issues and concerns.
C. Report PTT issues and concerns to school staff.

Section 10.      All officers shall:

A. Perform all duties prescribed in these by-laws and those, which might be assigned to them.
B. Deliver to their successors all official material at the final meeting of the year or within ten days after the resignation of a position within the normal school year.

Section 11.

Resignations from the Executive Board may be submitted in writing and shall be effective upon date of receipt unless a separate date is specified.

Section 12.

Any officer may be removed by explanation of cause (failure to comply with the by-laws or school policies and not acting in the best interests of the PTT or our students).  Any grievance must be placed in writing and submitted to the PTT Co-Chairpersons at least three days prior to the next regular meeting.  A majority vote by the executive Board minus the officer in question will commence prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting.

Article 4 – Nominations and Elections of PTT Officers

Section 1.

Nominations for officers will be solicited in August of each school year. Nominees must be present and must accept this nomination during this meeting.  Nominees for the co-Chairpersons must have been in regular attendance with good standing during the previous year.

Section 2.

Elections shall be held annually at the final general meeting of the PTT in August.  In the event that enough members are not present to vote or nominees are not present at the regular business meeting in August, elections may be tabled to the September meeting.

Section 3.

Officers will be elected by a vote of the membership in attendance at the meeting.  Nominees must be present and must accept this election during this meeting.

Article 5 – Meetings


Section 1.

A calendar for the general meetings of the PTT shall be established at the first meeting of the fiscal year.  PTT officers shall set the date/time for the first regular business meeting.  There must be at least six (6) general meetings per year.  At lease seven (7) days notice will be given to members in the event of a change in date, except in the case of an emergency, such as school cancellation.

Section 2.

Regular meetings of the PTT shall be held monthly, unless otherwise stated in the previous month’s regular meeting minutes.  The general public is welcome at all meetings, but voting shall be restricted to paid members only and I.W. faculty or staff.

Section 3.

The Executive Board may call special meetings – three days notice will be given when possible.

Section 4.

The members in attendance at the general meetings will constitute a quorum of the general membership and will be empowered to make decisions for the general membership.

Article 6 – Conduct of Business

Section 1.

The fiscal year of the PTT shall begin on the first (1st) day of July of each year and end on the thirtieth (30th) day of June the following year.

Section 2.

The Executive Board shall not spend any non-budgeted funds in excess of $300 for any one item.  The organization may approve expenditures in excess of this amount provided they are approved by members at the nest business meeting.

Section 3.

Notices of upcoming meetings will be made available on the district calendar.

Section 4.

The general format of business meetings will follow and open format.  All members in attendance may participate and vote.  The Co-Chairpersons are not expected to strictly follow Robert’s Rules of Order.

Section 5.

Any member wishing to speak on a subject not on the agenda must inform the chairpersons indicating briefly the subject of their remarks at least five (5) days in advance of the meeting.  The Executive Board reserves the right to determine the relevance of the agenda matter to the I.W. PTT

Section 6.        Order of Business shall be:

A. Call to Order
B. Acceptance of Minutes and Treasurer’s Report
C. Correspondence
D. New Business/Committee Reports
E. Old Business
F. Staff Issues/Concerns
G. Adjournment

Section 7.

A quorum shall consist of all attending members regardless of numbers. A simple majority shall constitute a legal vote at any meeting.

Article 7 – Activities

Section 1.

Activities must benefit the students/teachers of Iroquois West Schools and must provide either educational, cultural, or recreational experiences.

Section 2.

Anyone may present an activity or project for sponsorship at a regular business meeting.  All activities for sponsorship will be voted on for approval.  Activities with previous years’ sponsorship will have priority.

Section 3.

All expenses will be first.  Any remaining funds will be put into the PTT treasury for future projects.

Article 8 – Amendments

Section 1.

These PTT By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the organization by majority vote of the members present and voting, provided that notice of the proposed amendment shall have been given at the previous meeting.

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