Minutes of 10.19.16 Meeting

IWPTT Minutes for October 19, 2016

  1. The meeting was called to order at 6:35pm by President Kara Meents.

  2. Jen Kraft, Secretary, read the minutes from January 13, 2016.

Treasurer’s Report

  1. Current Balance – $2,171.76 .  Usually we split it amongst districts.  This year we will give money in one lump sum to one building.  More discussion to follow.

Voting of new Board Members – Treasurer – Jenny Leonard is stepping down as Treasurer.  Trixie Pankey made a motion to accept Maggie Matthews as new Treasurer.  Katie Fowler seconded the motion.  Krissy Rhodes and Kara Meents will also stay on the account for signing checks.

Old Business

  1. Registration table in August had a great response.  Lots of volunteer spots were filled.  Rita Fink won a $25 gift card to Dollar General for signing up to volunteer.

  2. We also had representation at Open House with an IWPTT Table.

New Business

  1. This year, IWPTT will be giving money raised from last year to one building in one lump sum.  Kara sent out an application to all principals in the district.  Each district can submit their wish list.  Applications are due at the end of the month.  We will review applications at our next meeting on November 9th.  This will give members a say in where/how money raised is being dispersed.

  2. Movie Night is this Friday, October 21st.  We usually have about 150-200 and we’re pretty much on track.  Kara has purchased food/drinks from Best Supermarket.  Ice Age Collision Course will be played.  Our volunteer sheets for Movie Nights are filled.

  3. Family Reading Night – November 17th.  We will be doing concessions again this year.  We only have one volunteer signed up so we discussed having a group of confirmation kids help out.  Trixie will check with her church to see if they would be interested in sending volunteers.

  4. Mr. Keigher wants to donate a Harry Potter picture on behalf of the Upper Elementary to IWPTT to raise money.  An artist created the picture at the Upper Elementary School.  Kara is asking for ideas on how to promote it.  Katie offered to take a picture of it and send it to Kara.

  5. Kara will talk with Jenni McTaggart about getting an American Girl Doll for a future raffle.

  6. Apparel Order through Jamie McElroy – Krissy Rhodes will head our next apparel order.   Krissy will find out how much time is needed before orders need to be placed in order to get orders back by Christmas.

  7. There are still a few apparel items left from sales last year.  Trixie recommended doing a raffle at our upcoming Movie Night.  Katie will cut the papers for the drawing and make a poster explaining the raffle.

  8. Chairs

  1. Trixie Pankey will be chairing Teacher Appreciation.

  2. Lisa McMillan will organize Parent/Teacher Conference meals.

  3. Kara and Katie will take care of organizing Movie Nights.

  4. Kara will head Family Reading Night Concessions.

  5. Jen Kraft will chair the Spring Carnival Raffle Table.

  1. Kara discussed holding a dance to raise money.  Discussion on this will continue so that we can be sure to offer more to the Upper Elementary School students.

   10.  The next PTT meeting is set for Wednesday, November 9th at 6:30pm

in the GES cafeteria.

   11.  The meeting adjourned at 7:15pm.

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